
From CCDirectLink
Homepage github:Nnubes256/Dorito
Author Ignacio "Nnubes256" Gutiérrez Gómez
Written in JavaScript
License MIT
First appeared Late 2015
Stable release N/A
Preview release N/A
Current status Discontinued

Dorito was the first publicly available modloader for CrossCode, written by Ignacio "Nnubes256" Gutiérrez Gómez, released sometime in late 2015 and publicly announced on the CrossCode phpBB forums.

Being the first CrossCode modloader project ever, it was very bare-bones compared to modern modloaders such as CCLoader, as no modding infrastructure was in place at the time.


The major feature introduced by Dorito consisted of a collection of utilities for monkey-patching JavaScript functions, along with a few game loading events implemented with github:millermedeiros/js-signals, an event system written in JavaScript. These events resemble the mod loading stages found on modern modloaders. Another feature that made Dorito unique was its end-user installation procedure: the modloader was contained in a single HTML page which the user would replace CrossCode's node-webkit.html with. However, it had no support for static asset loading, nor other quality-of-life features now present on modern modloaders.

Current status

Neither any Dorito-based mods, nor relevant CrossCode phpBB forums threads survived to this day. Parts of the so called "General Modding Thread" were able to be archived[1] (only pages 1 and from 8 to 11); however, no mentions of the Dorito modloader exists on the content that managed to get archived.
